NOTE: This Is An Early Bird Offer That Will Expire Soon! Act now!
Launch And Grow Your Own Video Production Business...
Get Paid Doing What You LOVE And Turn Your Passion For Video Into A Full-Time Income


Did you read the headline above, and think… “I’d love to get paid shooting videos?”

Maybe you’ve already tried setting up a video production business… but find yourself struggling to get clients.

Or… maybe you want to learn how to ‘touch up’ your skills and learn to sell your services like a pro.

Well, regardless of your situation, you’re in the right place.

In fact, I'll show you how to start & grow your video business successfully...
  • Even if you're not at all comfortable selling yourself & your video skills and you're nervous about presenting your work to bigger clients.
  • Even if you don't have much in the way of resources or connections.
  • And, especially, even if you think it's "too late" and you'll be stuck working in your day job forever.
On this page, I’m going to show you exactly how you CAN start getting paid to shoot video for clients.
You see, if you’re reading this page there’s a good chance you can already shoot great video…

But you may not think you have ‘what it takes’ to actually charge for them… and turn it into a full-time gig.

Or someone in your life might have told you that the 'safe' method is just to carry on in that boring job, rather than take a risk starting a video production company.

Well, today, I’m here to show you that you can start your very own video production business… and it doesn’t matter if you’ve never had a paying client in your life – in fact, the only thing you need is drive and determination… (and some video skills, of course…)

… And yes, I’m being serious.

Stick with me, and I’ll show you exactly how to build a video production company that has clients lining up to hire you. We’ll even look at narrowing work down to a specific niche, finding new clients and how to scale up your business.

My name’s Matt Jacobs, and for the past 11 years I’ve worked as a full-time filmmaker with my own video production companies.

To me, there’s nothing better than changing lives through video – and I’ve worked hard to make this my full-time income.

You should listen to me because...


Read This Before
Going ANY Further
From The Desk Of Matt Jacobs
London, UK
Hi, my name's Matt Jacobs.

I'm a Successful Video Production Business Owner, founder of the Filmmaking Lifestyle website and I've been making a full time income through video production for 11 years now.

Here are a few photos of me and my family. We travel a lot!

Through my website, books & courses, I've helped over 1,200 people start & grow their own video businesses! My mission is to help over 100,000 people start video production businesses. Releasing a course like this is my way of reaching more people with this life changing information than ever before.

Today, I make a healthy 6-figure income each year doing something I love…

...But it wasn’t always like that. Let me take you back...way, way back into the wilds of 2009.

Back then, I was a 24 year old marketing professional, working for a well-respected London based marketing agency. And I had more hair than I knew what to do with!

Yes, like most creatives with an interest in business and digital media, I’d joined the long list of people who found themselves in some form of “marketing” job after film school.

And it’s fair to say that at this point I only saw myself working for this company indefinitely. Yes, I was counting down the years to picking up my gold watch...

Each day I did some variation of monotonous work that gave me zero satisfaction no matter how well I did it.

I was making mid-size figures after climbing my way up the ranks thanks to sweat and long hours behind the desk. To many of my friends and family, this didn’t sound like such a horrible fate. In fact my mother would tell me…

“You Should Be Grateful To have This Job!”

After all, back then, we were in the grips of a worldwide recession. Pockets were empty and people were scared.

But deep down I knew I could never be happy doing something that put money in other people’s pockets.

One of the worst parts about the whole thing was my boss. I know, it's something of a cliche to complain about your boss. But this guy was a real nightmare.

As time wore on, things got worse and worse. I can’t describe it – it just seemed like everything about the job grated on me.

The breaking point came close to my 25th birthday party. I was called into my boss' office. And you can guess what happened next?

Yes, I was let-go from the company. It was the recession after all, and I didn't have the kind of rights that the more established employees had. I was truly a victim of circumstance.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach was something between nausea and like someone had taken a sledgehammer to my intestines.

How was I going to tell everyone that I just...didn't have a job anymore? Would they understand that it was more to do with the economy and cutting back on budgets than anything to do with my performance at work?

Later that week, my girlfriend threw a surprise party with my friends and family for my 25th.

I was happy to see everyone having a good time but when I blew out all 25 of those candles, I came to a crunching realization…

I Was Running Out Of Time…

I was 25 years old! If I lived to 90, that would mean more than a third of my life was already over!

I had to make a change. If I didn’t do it now, then I might never start my own business...

I mean, I'd always wanted to. And what better time than now that I was unemployed?

So I struck out on my own…

I told everyone that I'd lost my job, but that I was starting a video production company, and began learning all I could about how to start, manage and succeed running a video business.

After all, film production was my major at college and I’d always wanted to be a filmmaker.

However, little did I know, I would be in for a year of pain, rejection and inner turmoil.

Me, a bit worse for wear; figuring this all out felt like having scissors & knives taped to my hands.

First off: For the first 4 months I couldn’t find one single client.

None. Zilch. De nada.

It was like an invisible wall was keeping me from success and I couldn't figure it out.

And when I did get my first client, due to me fumbling the business side, I lost out on a large portion of the money (long story)!

And around 6 months in…

My Safety Fund Was Nearly Gone!

Back then, I was surviving on a steady diet of Ramen noodles, beans & oatmeal (hey, it always seemed to be on special offer!)

I had moved from my original apartment to a more squalid and spartan looking place in a cheaper part of town.
And, I'm really not proud of this bit at all, but I was so broke I distinctly remember eating cereal with a fork to save milk!

I was so broke that when I went to KFC, I had to lick other people's fingers!

I was so broke that homeless people used to give me money!

Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it sure felt like it...

My confidence in myself was at an all time low. I’d spent $7,327 on equipment I didn’t need and was looking for clients in all the wrong places.

And finally, to add insult to injury, my girlfriend had left me. Something about not being a “good fit for the future.”

But I kept trying nevertheless.

This blurry shot of me crashed out in an airport somewhere in the world – the travel was killing me.

It was August, 2011. And as I was laying in my bed that night, staring at the ceiling, I thought long and hard about the decision I had made many months before...

Leaving a job with a great salary, having to give up my fantastic apartment and my girlfriend leaving me… That horrible feeling was in the pit of my stomach and wouldn't leave.

My ego felt like it had gone 15 rounds with Mike Tyson.

As I lay there, I distinctly remember asking myself the one question that haunts everyone when they're starting out as a freelance videographer:

"I know I have what it takes to succeed running my own video company, because all these other people seem to be doing it... Why do I keep gathering a bit of momentum and then stop? Why can't I make this work?"

You've probably asked yourself that question before, am I right?

It's a great question, and you're smart to ask it.

You're also smart to keep an open mind to the answer, which I figured out and I'm about to reveal to you...

But let me just backtrack here for a second.

Earlier in the day, I’d come across a book that was just sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust.

It was by an older gentleman, a business guy that probably no one has ever heard of.

I’d bought the book a couple of years before during one of my forays in ‘just quitting and starting my own thing.’

The dust collecting on the book’s spine suggested the truth: I hadn’t read the damn thing.

Well, on that August day I did read the thing.

Although what the old gent was saying was written for people in the 1970s, and he made no mention of the industry of video production (I mean this was the 1970s, after all!)

He made no mention of a video business in his book, but what he said made so much sense to me. Things just started to click into place for me. It was like I had all the puzzle pieces, but I just didn’t know where to fit them before.

Clarity is a beautiful thing!

This man became something of a mentor to me over time. I owe so much of what I read in that dog eared, dust stained book.

Today, when I tell people about this story, I often refer to him as “my Yoda.” He really was!

Well, I went to sleep full of anxiety that night. And on the morning of August 14th, I woke up at 5 a.m. and...I knew something had changed.

I thought about all my failures, analyzed, dissected them for what went wrong and how I could turn things around.

I got out of bed and started furiously writing in one of my notebooks…

I was developing a plan, a plan that would allow me to make back all my losses and finally succeed at this video production business thing. And, most of all, I just wanted to make my family proud.

I Created The Blueprint That Would Change My Life!

The name I gave to the scribbles in my notebook that day was “The Video Business Blueprint”.

You see, most decent videographers can be creative and showcase technical skill. Or take a dynamic approach to an old topic and make it bold and fresh.

A good videographer can do either or both. And I can teach you to do the same.

But the best videographers inhabit the overlap between art and science, understanding that for all their differences, artists and scientists share something truly important: a process.

The best videographers aren't just able to do something, they know how they did it, and how to do it again. How to get back there, into the flow state. How to recreate it all. At will.

Because they have a process. One that works for them, allowing them to produce their best work in the greatest way and with the least struggle.

Oh, don't get me wrong: there's always struggle. Always. This is never easy. But it can be made less difficult.

Developing a process is how you make it both easier and simpler, all in the way that works best for you.

That's the key. Because without a process, it's all just theory and skill: execution is erratic, production is unpredictable, and creation is haphazard.

With a process? Everything changes.

You see, what I discovered was what was missing in my video company (and what’s missing in MOST video companies) is a process. A process to take YOU from A to B in your video business.

And using these same principles, you can take the client on a journey, showing them how to go from A to B with a video project. How to get real client results. The right way.
In those heady early days of the Blueprint, I drafted something that sums up the roadmap I envisioned for myself back then.

Since then, I immortalized it as a more developed graphic which you can see below:
I have extreme confidence in my blueprint for this very reason. It’s allowed me to do many things, but let me tell you what happened after that fateful morning:
  • I earned $2,545* by the end of the month.
  • Within 2 months I had earned $6,200.
  • By December I had netted exactly $14,352 (don't ask about the 2!)
  • ​And, best of all, I had a consistent flow of new clients each and every month.
(*Note: I work in British pounds, but I've converted to US dollars for my largely American audience.)

And my business has only gone from strength to strength from there.

At this point I’ve done projects for a variety of different clients ranging from small business owners to large sized corporations (including Fortune 500 companies).

Nowadays, I make a comfortable 6 figures with my video companies.

The amount of options you have for work is huge, but you gotta know how to get it.

And I’m going to show YOU how to 'get it.'

You see, here’s the thing…

Starting A Video Production Company Isn’t Hard…

But knowing the right way to do it, is.

Today, tens of thousands of people think they can shoot something on their phone or drone… not realizing that shooting video is actually an art – not something you can learn from ‘Instagram.’

I’m going to assume you already know how to shoot good video…

And if that’s the case, then great: that’s all you need to know to launch your own video production business – I’ll show you the rest.

After all, the hard part in all this is actually getting clients and scaling your business in order to land those big fish clients you crave.

And, hey, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of people running around in your local area trying to get small businesses to buy their video services.

If that’s not bad enough, a lot of these people are recent college grads approaching these companies and trying to film projects with entry-level DSLRs or (worse) their phones!

And they’ll do it for a tiny fraction of the money the rest of the industry is charging!

Not good.

I get it: trying to sell clients on video is tricky these days. It's tough out there.

But it doesn't have to be.

Now, before we get into specifics, I want you to think about something...

What Would It Mean To YOU If You Could Make A Full-Time Income From Shooting Video?

Imagine if – each and every day – you could wake up and do what you absolutely love

While getting paid for it (and making more than you’ve ever made at any day job in the past…)

Imagine if you could easily and quickly start earning enough money to support you and your loved ones… again, doing something you’re incredibly passionate about

And, imagine if you could take your passion… your side hobby… and turn it into a profitable business with no income ceiling.


What if you were able to start your production company KNOWING you’ll be able to deliver outstanding results for your clients.

Imagine if you could find a solid amount of (regular) clients… while staying creative, and being able to ‘pick and choose’ the projects you want to work on…

And, imagine if you were able to do all of this WITHOUT the fear of failure. Knowing that your company is going to pay the bills – and then some.

Does that sound good?

Well, it isn’t a dream.

You see, recent research by Freelancers Union revealed that 40% of the US workforce freelanced (or worked their own business) in 2018. And they collectively earned more than $1 trillion.

And researchers predict that there are going to be 3.8 million independent contractors by 2020 making more than $100,000 per year.

Want to be among those who run their own video business and generate upwards of $100,000 per year doing something they care about?

Well, I’d like to introduce you to a special online program I’ve put together that’s going to help you do just that.

It’s called...

Video Business Blueprint

Video Business Blueprint is a comprehensive course that takes you by the hand and shows you exactly how to build a successful (and profitable) video production company.

Inside the special member’s area, you’ll get unlimited access to a huge range of videos, tutorials & frameworks that take you from novice to true professional.

The course features 25+ hours of video, offering a step-by-step system that shows you how to get clients and grow a video production company from the ground up.

I've also ensured that every learning style is covered – video, as well as the course slides, worksheets and infographic Frameworks in downloadable PDF.

Yes, it's truly a 'paint-by-numbers' approach to learning this business!

I’ve been through every course and book in this area and it’s the only course of its kind to give a visualized framework for creating a roadmapped solution to client problems (those you're working with on corporate video projects).

When you go through the course, you not only learn the nuts & bolts of actually setting up your business, you also learn how to properly work with clients and give them immense success through their video projects – something that no one else is teaching.

Video Business Blueprint takes you by the hand from the very early stages of the strategy of starting & growing a profitable video business, right the way through to the more advanced tips & tricks.

Because I know what starting a video business feels like. It probably feels like you’ve just opened up a 10,000 piece puzzle with a picture of baked beans on the front. Everything seems a bit all over the place.

And this is where the Video Business Blueprint course really thrives: it helps you put those pieces together.

Work your way through the modules at your own pace, and before you know it, you’ll be running your very own video production company… with clients lining up outside your door to use your services.

Spread across ten modules, Video Business Blueprint gives you everything you need to become a successful video production company owner.

And, right now, I’m going to give you a ‘sneak peak’ of what’s inside.

Introducing Video Business Blueprint

The Fastest Way To Start & Grow Your Video Production Company:

Video Business Blueprint

  • Module 1 - Foundation: Breaking Through
  • Module 2 - Market Recon
  • Module 3 - Power Positioning
  • ​Module 4 - Surefire Sales System
  • ​Module 5 - The 3 Ps of Working With Clients
  • ​Module 6 - Project Powerhouse
  • ​Module 7 - Finishing Formula
  • ​Module 8 - Running Your Business
  • ​Module 9 - Referral Machine
  • ​Module 10 - The Next Level
Remember earlier when I told you about the Process I figured out when putting my Blueprint together?

Well, here's the streamlined, easy-to-follow Process the Video Business Blueprint has become:


Foundation gives you an introduction to the Video Business Blueprint course, and shows you how to get the most out of the program. In this introductory module, you’ll discover…

- The Tools And Equipment ANY Successful Video Company Owner Needs

- 5 Things You MUST HAVE Before Starting Your video production company…. (and the things you absolutely DO NOT need…)

- How To MINIMIZE Learning Time And Start Attracting Paying Clients As Soon As Possible...


In Module 2, you’ll discover the entire Video Business Blueprint Process.

This is the exact same formula I’ve used to attract high-paying clients… and by the end of this module, you’ll know exactly what your *goals* and targets should be.

I’ll also reveal how to take these goals and make them a reality. Some of what you’ll learn includes…

- The EASY Way To Create A ‘Bulletproof Business Plan’...

- How To Develop The Perfect Customer Avatar (without spending days or weeks doing market research…)

- How a little-known ‘Airtight Solution’ lets you start building your video production company knowing that you're crystal clear on exactly what you're offering clients

- And much, MUCH more.


It’s no secret that positioning is important in business…

If you want to be a top video production company – and actually have high-paying clients regularly approaching you… then it’s crucial you know HOW to position yourself.

That’s why Module 3 - Power Positioning - reveals…

- How To Build A KILLER Portfolioeven if you’re just starting out, or don’t have any previous clients

- 3 Powerful Client Getting Techniques. (And you don't need a crazy marketing budget – use these strategies and you’ll be attracting paying clients from month one…)

- How To Stand Out From The CROWD… without coming across as too sales-y or pushy…

- And much, much more.


It shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that you are going to need to have a solid sales system in place to attract (and convert) clients…

And that’s exactly what Module 4: Surefire Sales System is going to teach you. Inside, you’ll discover…

- Why you must have – in place – a suitable follow-up system… and how to make sure you’re not missing out on work by responding at the wrong time

- How to EFFORTLESSLY write compelling proposals that make prospects desperate to work with you

- A simple, non-sales-y way to identify your key selling points… and the RIGHT way to sell yourself, and your work...


Inside Module 4, we’ll cover the main fundamentals of actually working with clients - from start to finish. Inside, you’ll discover…

- A clever (and rarely used) system to deal with clients. HINT: It includes Passion, Politeness and Perseverance…

- An easy way to deal with difficult clients (without confrontation, and without escalating tense situations…)

- The Little-Known Business Tasks You Should Be Doing When You’re Not Shooting… (and what you SHOULDN’T be doing…)

- And much, MUCH more.


One of the biggest problems faced by new videographers is planning out their workflow.

If you want to have a viable video production business – and you want to be able to adhere to schedules and keep clients happy – it’s vital you manage your projects effectively.

That’s why Module 5 – Project Powerhouse – shows you how. Inside, you’ll discover…

- How to plan your workflow from start to finish… using a powerful visuzalition process…

- The Anatomy of a Corporate and Commercial Shoot

- How to shoot even the most complex of situations like tricky event work...


In the sixth module – Finishing Formula – we look at what you need to actually send your client.

You’ll discover…

- A Unique ‘Deliverables Framework’ that makes sure you send your clients exactly what they need – every single time…

- The BEST way to ‘Sign Off’ on the work… without second-guessing yourself or worrying you’ve forgotten anything…

- An easy (and non-intrusive) way of making sure your clients are happy with your work… and what to do if they’re not

- And much, MUCH more.


In the seventh module – Running Your Business – we’ll look at the specifics of actually running your business, from incorporating your company to submitting tax returns. You’ll discover…

- How to incorporate your companywithout spending an arm and a leg…

- How to find an accountant that’s affordable… while maximizing your deductibles

- The ONE SECRET to staying on top of your finances. HINT: I’ll show you a powerful financial spreadsheet that keeps everything in line…

- The easiest way to start outsourcing those smaller tasks you just don’t have time for anymore. (I’ll show you how to find the best freelancers, and how to go about hiring them…)

- And much, MUCH more.


In Module 8 – Referral Machine – you’ll discover how to grow your business exponentially using referrals. You’ll learn…

- WHY Referrals Are So Important… (and how to use them to your maximum advantage…)

- The easy, non-awkward way of actually asking for referrals…

- How to scale your referral process to maximize the number of new clients you take on…

- And much, MUCH more.


In the final module, The Next Level, you’ll discover simple (yet powerful) strategies to grow your business. You’ll discover…

- The “Path”. Go from no-business to freelancer to true business owner

- How to use a 10/10/10 list to grow your business exponentially

- How to use your video production skills to make a difference in your local community. (It feels great to give back – and with just a bit of work, you can make a BIG difference…)
That’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll find inside Video Business Blueprint.

And truth be told, that’s not everything, either. Because, as a Video Business Blueprint member, you’ll also have exclusive contact with myself…

So you can ask questions, get help - and receive personalized, tailored support.

The Video Business Blueprint program allows you to shoot, produce and sell like a pro.

No matter WHAT your current experience level, by the end of this program you’ll know exactly how to build your video production company.

Whether it’s polishing your skills or finding clients, the course shows you EXACTLY what to do – and when…

And it’s designed to be worked through at your own pace.

By the end of it, you’ll know more about video production than most of your competitors – combined!
Don't Just Take MY Word For It...
See What Others Have Said About Their Experience With The Course!
"Matt, you're a legend! As you know I run a small-ish video company in London. There are only 4 of us in the team and we're trying to compete with the big boys. Your course has been a breath of fresh air! So pleased with this opportunity to be among the early first members. What you're offering here for us is the absolute cutting edge business advice and systems for running video companies. My eternal thanks, man!"
Filmmaker, London, UK
"I loved how you broke down everything into small parts and then explained the pieces of the puzzle as we went along. It's good to know that everything in video business is connected.

So favorite parts of the course were th pricing sections, the bit of workflow, and also on writing proposals to secure jobs. That blew my mind!"
Videographer, Kansas City, USA
Just some of the resources you’ll find in my video business blueprint are…
  • How to have clients knocking down your door for your services!(never again have anxiety over where your next check is going to arrive from)
  • ​Avoid wasting time and money buying equipment you don’t need! (Focus your resources on what matters instead)
  • ​Identity exactly what you want to make and the types of clients who need exactly that!
  • ​Glide effortlessly through negotiating prices and contracts with clients. (While making more money and having happier clients as a result!)
  • ​Ingrain these 16 mind-sets into your mind and reap huge rewards as a result. (While others who lack them are doomed to failure)
  • ​Craft your Ideal Client Avatar and the special thing you as a filmmaker offer them! (If you try to please everyone you will never get anywhere!)
  • ​Crack and use the Client Getting code to bring in fresh clients and build your reputation!(Without reputation you are nothing, even if you’re the best filmmaker in the world!)
  • ​Learn to close the sale all the way from first contact to asking your prospect to sign on the dotted line.
  • ​How to set goals and follow-through on achieving success and freedom with your business.
  • ​How to avoid nightmare clients. (Get everything in writing down as soon as possible and enjoy less anxiety, stress and more time!)
Every single grain of knowledge that is packed into my video course has been paid and fought for tooth and nail by my experience.

It is there for your benefit. So that you may avoid the early pitfalls, dodge easy but common mistakes and get off to a head-start on the many other people who are trying to start video businesses like yourself.

And the best part is…

You don’t have to give an 'arm and a leg' to own it...

Want To Start and Grow Your Own Successful Video Production Company?

Then all you need to do is click the button below.

You’ll then be taken to a secure checkout page, and once your purchase is complete, you’ll get instant access to the entire Video Business Blueprint program.

And if you’re wondering how much I’m charging for this…

You may be surprised to learn it’s just $597.

Yes, that’s right…

For just $597, you can get instant access to the entire Video Business Blueprint program.

All ten modules are yours, for that low cost…

And as soon as your purchase is complete, you’ll be able to access all your materials right away.

Some Say the Value of This Course Is
Priceless — so What’s Fair?

Originally I was thinking of charging $700 for this online course and all the bonuses.

That price was (and still is)…a STEAL.

No one has this information, anywhere. It has taken me over EIGHT years to put this course together, and over a DECADE of my experience can instantly be accessed.

Let’s be real for a second

Simply put, what other video business course out there can you trust to actually deliver and provide results?

So how does this compare to other guides/courses on the market?

If you were to even try and find the information and implementation tools in my course elsewhere, you’d need to spend OVER $5,000 to purchase multiple courses.

And it would take you YEARS to bring it all together, filter out the good from the bad, and actually go through the information and figure out what to do with it.

And the investment isn't just a fraction of the time I spent learning's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the cost.

I want you to discover what it’s like to start (and run) your very own video production company as quickly as possible…

And I want you to be able to do that without going through the pains and stresses I did when starting out.

However, it’s very likely this price will increase soon.

So… if you want to discover the secrets of starting your own successful video production company, then don’t miss out. Click the button below for instant access.

For just a very limited time, you can get
Video Business Blueprint for just

(After midnight on Saturday February 15th, the price will be INCREASING.)

And thats not all...I'm also offering BONUSES!

Yes, that’s right. Not only do you get the tactic packed video business how-to guide that is Video Business Blueprint, I’m also offering these awesome bonuses.

If you place your order now, I’m also going to give you four bonus gifts – at no additional charge.

Here’s what you’ll get…

Bonus #1: Being Productive In Your Video Business ($197 Value)

Video Business Blueprint shows you exactly how to launch and grow a successful video production company…

And, by the end of the course, you’ll be attracting real clients… who will LOVE your work!

However, it’s also vital that you keep on top of your responsibilities as an entrepreneur…

And that’s why I’d like to gift you this free bonus – Being Productive in Your Video Business.

Inside, you’ll discover how to streamline your business using tools like Trello and Asana.

I’ll also show you why time is your most valuable asset - and how to make sure you’re guarding yours - putting your time and effort into where it matters most.

I’ll also share some general tips and tricks that I’ve found personally, massively helped me grow my own video production business.

Usually retailing for $197, today, along with your order of Video Business Blueprint I’m gifting you a copy free of charge.

Bonus #2: Mindsets For Success ($197 Value)

So, you know how to create award-winning video your clients will love

You know the best ways to attract clients (and make sure they keep coming back to you…)

And you know the ins and outs of actually running a video production company.

But is your MINDSET in the right place?

Well, to make sure it is, I’m going to gift you another bonus – called Mindsets for Success.

Inside, you’ll discover the importance of mindset… and how, by getting into one of 9 core mindsets, you can maximize your success – and see this success in minimal time.

Usually retailing for $197, today, your copy of Mindsets For Success is free along with your purchase of Video Business Blueprint.

BONUS #3: The Ultimate Video Business Template Set! ($1097 Value)

Based on my extensive research one of the biggest issues people have when setting up their video businesses is not knowing what to use when. I’m often asked, “Do you have a contract template?”

Well, now you can say, “I have a template for that!”

I’m giving you the mother load of video business templates to give you that helping hand you need and make sure you’re never in a situation where you don’t know what document to use.

To help you kickstart your video production company, I’m going to be gifting you access to my best forms, templates and samples.

Inside this one-of-a-kind bonus, you’ll receive:

Sample Contract Template - so that you know how to structure a project. ($297 Value)

Video Project Proposal Template - so that you have a foot in the door for winning jobs. ($297 Value)

Terms of Service Template - all the legal mumbo jumbo you need to protect yourself. ($197 Value)

Cold Email Templates - get clients with my templates that are proven to work. ($147 Value)

Client Questions Template - these are the questions you need to ask clients to learn what they want from their video project. ($147 Value)
  • Sample Video Production Contract
  • ​Sample Video Project Proposal Template
  • ​Terms of Service Template
  • ​Resource Guide of Apps/Sites
  • ​Cold Email Templates
  • ​Client Discovery Document
  • ​And even more.
This is the motherlode. And some say it’s worth the price of admission all on its own!

BONUS #4: My Private Vault of Video Business Spreadsheets! ($597 Value)

Knowing your numbers is hugely important. Knowing your numbers helps you know where you are in your video business and will help you streamline the growth of your video production company.

I'm opening my private vault of spreadsheets and offering these as part of the Bonuses for the course. These are easy to use and will help you grow your video business.

Here's what I have for you:
  • Website Tracking Spreadsheet
  • Financial Tracking Spreadsheet
  • ​Project Tracking Spreadsheet

BONUS #5: VIP Facebook Group Access! (Priceless!)

To make sure you’re getting all the help and support you need, I’m also going to give you VIP access to my private Facebook Group.

Inside, you’ll be able to ask questions, connect with other like minded filmmakers and get personalized advice on your situation.
I know you’re going to be amazed with the results you see…

And you know what?

I’m so confident you’ll be blown-away by what you’ll learn inside Video Business Blueprint...

That, today, alongside your investment , I’m also going to give you my unconditional...

30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

You can, using these strategies and techniques, grow your video production business faster than you ever thought possible.

Others have done exactly that. I’ve helped them. And it doesn’t matter how “novice” you are right now...

Or whether you’ve sold your services in the past or not..

Because once you’ve finished going through Video Business Blueprint, you’ll know exactly how to launch – and grow – your own video production business.

Now, I’m so confident that what you’re going to learn is going to change your life - and allow you to start picking up real, paying clients - that I’m willing to ‘put my money where my mouth is’ and prove it to you.

Join Video Business Blueprint today… work your way through the program… and apply the strategies and techniques I share inside…

And if you don’t find that you’re able to pick up paying clients…

If you don’t find yourself refining your workflow… creating results your clients LOVE…

Or if, for any reason you don’t love the course…

Then simply let me know within 30 days and I’ll refund every cent you paid.

I’ll even let you keep the program as a gesture of goodwill.

But that’s your choice.

Email support ([email protected]) any time within 30 days, show you did the work, and I'll send you a refund.

If that sounds good… and if you’re ready to discover how to launch your very own video production business…

Then here’s what you need to do next:

Click the button below to get instant access to Video Business Blueprint.

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get
When You Get Video Business Blueprint Today!

  • 10 Modules with 25+ Hours On Starting & Growing Your Video Business ($1,997 Value)
  • ​Worksheets, Frameworks + Checklists That Make Growing Your Business Paint-By-Numbers ($995 Value)
  • ​Being Productive In Your Video Business Bonus Module ($797 Value)
  • ​Mindsets For Success Bonus Module ($797 Value)
  • ​​The Ultimate Video Business Template Set ($1,865 Value)
  • ​My Private Vault Of Video Business Spreadsheets ($894 Value)
  • ​VIP Facebook Group Access (Priceless!)

Total Value: $7,817

You Get It ALL Today For:

$1997 $597!

(That’s over 86% OFF!)

You’ll get a confirmation email as soon as your purchase is complete, with details of how to access the course…

And then, it’s just a case of getting started.

Want more proof? I have a lot of that...

(And more reviews coming in all the time...)

Video Business Blueprint Answers Every Question That A Video Professional Might Have...

Here Are Just A Few...

  • "How Do I Stand Out and Not Look Like All the Other Thousands of Videographers Offering a Similar Service?"
  • "How Do I Find the Right Clients That I Actually Want to Work With?"
  • "What Do I Need to Do to Prevent 'tire-kickers' & Time Wasters?"
  • ​"How Do I Get Clients to Pay On Time?"
  • ​"How Do I Stop Clients From Knocking Me Down On Price?"
  • ​"How Do I Get a Client to Understand the True Costs of Video?"
  • ​"How Do I Maximize My Video Production Workflow & Get More Done?"
  • ​"What Methods Can I Use to Communicate With Clients More Effectively?"
  • ​"How Do I Say "No" To a Client?"
  • ​"How Do I Cut Down On Hours of Editing Time So That I Have More Time to Find New Work?"
  • ​"What Are The Best Ways to Build a Video Production Team?"
  • ​"How Can I Scale My Business Now That I'm Getting Clients?"
  • ​"How Do I Achieve Financial Freedom?"
  • ​"What Is This Cashflow Thing, And Why Is It So Important For My Video Business?"
  • ​"How Can I Stop Chasing Local Clients Who Don't Want to Pay My Prices & Start Expanding Further To Find The Right Clients?"
  • ​"What Are The Best Methods to Put the Business on Autopilot and Then Move Towards Scaling and Opening Global Offices?"
  • ​"How Can I Create a Rock Solid Portfolio Of My Work To Set My Video Company Apart From All The Others?"
  • ​"How Exactly Do I Create An Eye Catching And Captivating Website For My Video Business That Will Grab Attention From The Get Go?"
  • ​"How Do I Find The Best Team Members And Collaborate On Awesome Projects?"
  • ​"How Do I Find The Confidence To Approach The Clients & Companies I Want to Work With?"
  • ​"How Exactly Do I Register My Video Business As a Legal Entity, And (More To The Point) Do You Even Really Need To Register Your Company And Go Legit?"
  • ​"How Do I Get Out Of The Trap Of Doing Work For Free Or 'On Spec?'"
  • ​"I'm a Great Creative But A Terrible Business Person? How Do I Get Better At 'Selling' And Business?"
  • ​"I honestly Just Don't Know Where To Start! How Do I Start!?"
  • ​"What If I Don't Have Enough Time To Start a Business Along With My Day Job? What If I Don't Make Enough To Support My Family?"
  • ​"I've Been working $2-4K jobs for a while now. How Do I Go About Progressing To The Next Level With Bigger Clients, Bigger Budgets, More Value?"
  • ​"I'm Tired Of Selling My Time For Money And Not Having Any Time For My Passion Projects? How Do I get Out Of This Vicious Cycle?"
  • ​"How Do I Get Out Of The 'Do This For The Exposure' Trap?"
  • ​"Are My Prices At Good Rate, Or Am I Leaving Money On The Table?"
  • ​"How Do I Avoid Bending Over Backwards For Every Client's Crazy Request?"
  • ​"Should My Video Company business Sound Like a Bigger Corporate, Or Is It Fine To Sound More Personal?"

…. and that’s only highlights from a few of the Modules – this course is chock full of hundreds more “golden nuggets” like this in its gem filled 25+ hours of video instruction!

25+ Hours of Video Tutorials

You'll get instant access to over 25+ hours of content. These videos cover our complete system for going from "no idea" to successful video business.

Copy / Paste Templates & Sample Documents

Get access to complete contracts, client proposal templates, sample forms (and more) that you can download and use as many times as needed.

Frameworks + Step-By-Step Worksheets

Fill in the blank worksheets and infographic Frameworks will help you form and visual your video business from the ground up.

Multiple Learning Styles (Video + Audio + Text)

Learn in the best way for you – video, audio, as well as text. I've even made the course clides available as a downloadable resource that you can follow along with.

Community Of Videographers & Filmmakers

When you join today you will get access to a private Facebook Group, where you can ask questions, mix with your filmmaker peers and more.

Stream On Any Device

The Video Business Blueprint video library is fully optimized for mobile viewing. We use the cutting edge in online course delivery systems. Stream lessons on any device, anytime, anywhere.

This Isn’t For Everyone

While Video Business Blueprint does allow ANYONE to start their own successful video production company, it’s not for you if you’re not willing to put the time and effort in.

If you’re not willing to go through the course – module by module – and actually apply what you learn to your business…

And if you’re not going to take action…

Then seriously – click off this page. I don’t want your business.

This course is exclusively for people who ARE ready to take the leap to achieving true financial freedom (doing something they love…)

And you will need to work hard to start your business.

Sound good?

Then I’m pleased to welcome you onboard.

Go through the course…work through the training at your own pace…

And once you’re done, you’ve got two choices.

Choice #1: You’ll use the strategies and executable plans inside, to start your video production business. You’ll be attracting clients, creating high-quality video and earning more money than you ever thought you could from your camera…


Choice #2: You’ll go through the course, but fail to take action. Maybe you’ll tell yourself you'll start another day... whatever the excuse, you won’t action the strategies. That’s your choice…

But I know what I’d do...

And I will say this:

Video Business Blueprint contains everything you need to launch your own successful video production company.

You can, with this program, start earning a full-time income with your camera…

And if you’d like to try it out for yourself, then all you need to do is click below to get started.

For just a very limited time, you can get
Video Business Blueprint for just

(After midnight on Saturday February 15th, the price will be INCREASING.)

Can I get a FAQ with that?

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Yes, of course. You'll get instant access to the online course and the Bonuses that you can use forever.

When you purchase the course, you buy a lifetime relationship with the course and me.

You'll be entitled to lifetime updates, too, as this kind of information needs to be updated from time to time to keep it relevant.

A: This course is presented in flawless 4K video.

We use the cutting edge in video and online course systems – something that I pay a lot of money for monthly in order to deliver the course in the best way possible.

As well as the videos, I've spent a long time making the course slides available in PDF, as well as detailed worksheets and infographic frameworks that will help you build you video business as you go through the videos.

When you purchase, you'll be sent to a special members area, where you can find the course and the awesome bonuses.

Inside the special member's area, you'll get unlimited access to a huge range of videos, tutorials and frameworks that take you from novice to true professional.

The course features 30+ hours of video, offering a step-by-step system that shows you how to get clients and grow a video production company from the ground up.

A: Yes, most definitely. We use the latest in internet security and payment processors to ensure that your payment information, card details and other personal data is handled securely and efficiently.

A: No. I have cusomers all over the world. The video production industry is thriving – things have never been better.

I live with an abundance mentality. After all, 'a rising tide lifts all boats.'

A: I'm most certainly the real deal. But don't take my word for it – check the testimonials and results people have achieved through working with me. You can find some of these on this very page.

A: This isn't going to be like any video business guide, book or course that you've ever read. I have vast experience doing and teaching this stuff.

I explain everything in detail, with humor and entertainment along the way. This isn't just another YouTube video! This is content that you can't find anywhere else.

A: No. That's a we worn falsity. Throughout history, some of the best practitioners were the greatest teachers.

After all, who teaches astronauts how to go to space!?

A: Sorry, no. I've learnt my lesson with this. If you know how Google works, you know this is a really bad idea.

Whilst I know it won't be you, there are jealous people out there who will use negative SEO to screw up my site rankings and affect my income.

Like I say: I learnt my lesson with this. Giving myself an ego boost is less important than making sure I continue to make a good income from my video companies.

The decision is now

Don't Waste Any More Of Your Time...Act Now

Clients are the lifeblood of any business.

And yet, when it comes to finding clients, most video business owners play it safe.

They say they want to make more money and grow their business, but they just keep doing the same thing day in and day out, attracting low-quality clients. Or not clients at all!

That's insanity!

Or they read listicle after listicle of "39 Facebook marketing tips" and "Top 10 client getting hacks" — all written by people who've never run successful businesses and couldn't tell you the ROI of their efforts.

And a brave few business owners try a course ("How to advertise on Instagram!") and get frustrated when the material is nonsense.

I know how confusing building a video company can be. That's why I had to test each strategy for myself, one by one and at great expense, to find what really works to attract clients to your business.

It may have taken me years and countless frustrations, but that's a bargain next to doing nothing at all. Or spending years spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.

Your time is the one thing you can't get back. That's why "figuring it out" on your own is such a terrible waste.

I would have fought tooth-and-nail to get a comprehensive system like Video Business Blueprint. And I did! This system didn't exist so I fought to create it myself.

But you, you have a choice.

For a tiny fraction of what it cost me to master these strategies and tactics — and just a few hours a week — you can open a flood of clients to your business. All of it protected with a money-back guarantee.

I'm telling you this because sometimes you need that little nudge from someone who's been there. Someone who believes you can do it.

And I consider it my personal mission to counter some of the misleading material out there so you can follow real strategies that work. The more high-quality businesses out there, the better it is for our clients, our peers, and our entire industry.

Years from now, I want you to look back at this moment — this moment, right now, where you made the decision to grow your business.

I know you have a lot of options. When I think about investing in something new, I have couple of principles that guide me. I think they might help you too:


Most people who start a video business (which is rare) put in a rush of effort to get started and then peter out. They dabble but never really figure out how to bring in a steady stream of eager clients to their business.

It’s "episodic." You can only do that for so long before you run out of energy, money or both. There’s no system, no plan for consistent, repeatable growth.

I say GOOD! The people who work hard and work smart — who focus on what's really important for their business — will reap the rewards.


Years ago, when I decided to change from being a skinny guy to gaining some muscle, my first step was to bet my friend that I could gain a 10 pounds. It was a fun way of dipping my toes in the water.

Even for things I wasn’t sure about — like surfing — I signed up for a class. Hey, turns out I don’t really love it…but at least I learned from the best. Now I know.

Most importantly, once I got serious about something (like fitness), I invested in myself by hiring a personal trainer and starting to learn from the best.

If I'm going to do something, I'm already spending time on it — why not give myself every advantage? Why not play to win?

I believe you could have an amazing video business. In fact, I can show you how.

Don't waste your ambition! Don't waste your time or your life.

If you really want a video business that can make an impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones, it's time to make a decision.

The decision is yours.

Video Business Blueprint will close soon. When we close our courses, they often don’t re-open for months and months. So if you want to start & grow your video business, it’s time to make a decision.

I've already done the hard work and tested all of the strategies and tactics out there.

I combined and refined the best into a streamlined, ready-to-use system you can apply to your video company today.

I protected you with a 30-day, money-back guarantee to make your decision completely risk-free.

All you have to do is believe you're worth it.

A year from now, you'll be a year older. What are you going to do?

I really look forward to working with you and watching your video business grow from its current position to being a formidable top-tier player.

All you have to do is follow the system I've laid out, which has been proven by my clients time and time again.

The choice is yours. Do you truly want this? And when?


Matt Jacobs

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering my awesome Video Business Blueprint online course for a special price of $597. When the offer ends, the price will go up (and it'll stay that way!)

YES! I Want Instant Access To Video Business Blueprint NOW!!!

  • 10 Modules with 25+ Hours On Starting & Growing Your Video Business ($1,997 Value)
  • ​Worksheets, Frameworks + Checklists That Make Growing Your Business Paint-By-Numbers ($995 Value)
  • ​Being Productive In Your Video Business Bonus Module ($797 Value)
  • ​Mindsets For Success Bonus Module ($797 Value)
  • ​​The Ultimate Video Business Template Set ($1,865 Value)
  • ​My Private Vault Of Video Business Spreadsheets ($894 Value)
  • ​VIP Facebook Group Access (Priceless!)

Total Value: $7,817

You Get It ALL Today For:

$1997 $597!

(That’s over 86% OFF!)

For just a very limited time, you can get
Video Business Blueprint for just

(After midnight on Saturday February 15th, the price will be INCREASING.)

Video Business Blueprint
WARNING: This is an Early-Bird Special Offer (After INSERT DATE the price will be going up) Act now!
Launch And Grow Your Own Video Production Business...
Get Paid Doing What You LOVE And Turn Your Passion For Video Into A Full-Time Income


Did you read the headline above, and think… “I’d love to get paid shooting videos?”

Maybe you’ve already tried setting up a video production business… but find yourself struggling to get clients.

Or… maybe you want to learn how to ‘touch up’ your skills and learn to sell your services like a pro.

Well, regardless of your situation, you’re in the right place.

In fact, I'll show you how to start & grow your video business successfully...
  • Even if you're not at all comfortable selling yourself & your video skills and you're nervous about presenting your work to bigger clients.
  • Even if you don't have much in the way of resources or connections.
  • And, especially, even if you think it's "too late" and you'll be stuck working in your day job forever.
On this page, I’m going to show you exactly how you CAN start getting paid to shoot video for clients.
You see, if you’re reading this page there’s a good chance you can already shoot great video…

But you may not think you have ‘what it takes’ to actually charge for them… and turn it into a full-time gig.

Or someone in your life might have told you that the 'safe' method is just to carry on in that boring job, rather than take a risk starting a video production company.

Well, today, I’m here to show you that you can start your very own video production business… and it doesn’t matter if you’ve never had a paying client in your life – in fact, the only thing you need is drive and determination… (and some video skills, of course…)

… And yes, I’m being serious.

Stick with me, and I’ll show you exactly how to build a video production company that has clients lining up to hire you. We’ll even look at narrowing work down to a specific niche, finding new clients and how to scale up your business.

My name’s Matt Jacobs, and for the past 12 years I’ve worked as a full-time filmmaker with my own video production companies.

To me, there’s nothing better than changing lives through video – and I’ve worked hard to make this my full-time income.

You should listen to me because...


Read This Before
Going ANY Further
From The Desk Of Matt Jacobs
London, UK
Hi, my name's Matt Jacobs.

I'm a Successful Video Production Business Owner, founder of the Filmmaking Lifestyle website and I've been making a full time income through video production for 9 years now.

Here are a few photos of me and my family. We travel a lot!

Through my website, books & courses, I've helped over 1,200 people start & grow their own video businesses! My mission is to help over 100,000 people start video production businesses. Releasing a course like this is my way of reaching more people with this life changing information than ever before.

Today, I make a healthy 6-figure income each year doing something I love…

...But it wasn’t always like that. Let me take you back...way, way back into the wilds of 2009.

Back then, I was a 24 year old marketing professional, working for a well-respected London based marketing agency. And I had more hair than I knew what to do with!

Yes, like most creatives with an interest in business and digital media, I’d joined the long list of people who found themselves in some form of “marketing” job after film school.

And it’s fair to say that at this point I only saw myself working for this company indefinitely. Yes, I was counting down the years to picking up my gold watch...

Each day I did some variation of monotonous work that gave me zero satisfaction no matter how well I did it.

I was making mid-size figures after climbing my way up the ranks thanks to sweat and long hours behind the desk. To many of my friends and family, this didn’t sound like such a horrible fate. In fact my mother would tell me…

“You Should Be Grateful To have This Job!”

After all, back then, we were in the grips of a worldwide recession. Pockets were empty and people were scared.

But deep down I knew I could never be happy doing something that put money in other people’s pockets.

One of the worst parts about the whole thing was my boss. I know, it's something of a cliche to complain about your boss. But this guy was a real nightmare.

As time wore on, things got worse and worse. I can’t describe it – it just seemed like everything about the job grated on me.

The breaking point came close to my 25th birthday party. I was called into my boss' office. And you can guess what happened next?

Yes, I was let-go from the company. It was the recession after all, and I didn't have the kind of rights that the more established employees had. I was truly a victim of circumstance.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach was something between nausea and like someone had taken a sledgehammer to my intestines.

How was I going to tell everyone that I just...didn't have a job anymore? Would they understand that it was more to do with the economy and cutting back on budgets than anything to do with my performance at work?

Later that week, my girlfriend threw a surprise party with my friends and family for my 25th.

I was happy to see everyone having a good time but when I blew out all 25 of those candles, I came to a crunching realization…

I Was Running Out Of Time…

I was 25 years old! If I lived to 90, that would mean more than a third of my life was already over!

I had to make a change. If I didn’t do it now, then I might never start my own business...

I mean, I'd always wanted to. And what better time than now that I was unemployed?

So I struck out on my own…

I told everyone that I'd lost my job, but that I was starting a video production company, and began learning all I could about how to start, manage and succeed running a video business.

After all, film production was my major at college and I’d always wanted to be a filmmaker.

However, little did I know, I would be in for a year of pain, rejection and inner turmoil.

Me, a bit worse for wear; figuring this all out felt like having scissors & knives taped to my hands.

First off: For the first 4 months I couldn’t find one single client.

None. Zilch. De nada.

It was like an invisible wall was keeping me from success and I couldn't figure it out.

And when I did get my first client, due to me fumbling the business side, I lost out on a large portion of the money (long story)!

And around 6 months in…

My Safety Fund Was Nearly Gone!

Back then, I was surviving on a steady diet of Ramen noodles, beans & oatmeal (hey, it always seemed to be on special offer!)

I had moved from my original apartment to a more squalid and spartan looking place in a cheaper part of town.
And, I'm really not proud of this bit at all, but I was so broke I distinctly remember eating cereal with a fork to save milk!

I was so broke that when I went to KFC, I had to lick other people's fingers!

I was so broke that homeless people used to give me money!

Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it sure felt like it...

My confidence in myself was at an all time low. I’d spent $7,327 on equipment I didn’t need and was looking for clients in all the wrong places.

And finally, to add insult to injury, my girlfriend had left me. Something about not being a “good fit for the future.”

But I kept trying nevertheless.

This blurry shot of me crashed out in an airport somewhere in the world – the travel was killing me.

It was August, 2011. And as I was laying in my bed that night, staring at the ceiling, I thought long and hard about the decision I had made many months before...

Leaving a job with a great salary, having to give up my fantastic apartment and my girlfriend leaving me… That horrible feeling was in the pit of my stomach and wouldn't leave.

My ego felt like it had gone 15 rounds with Mike Tyson.

As I lay there, I distinctly remember asking myself the one question that haunts everyone when they're starting out as a freelance videographer:

"I know I have what it takes to succeed running my own video company, because all these other people seem to be doing it... Why do I keep gathering a bit of momentum and then stop? Why can't I make this work?"

You've probably asked yourself that question before, am I right?

It's a great question, and you're smart to ask it.

You're also smart to keep an open mind to the answer, which I figured out and I'm about to reveal to you...

Well, I went to sleep full of anxiety that night. And on the morning of August 14th, I woke up at 5 a.m. and...I knew something had changed.

I thought about all my failures, analyzed, dissected them for what went wrong and how I could turn things around.

I got out of bed and started furiously writing in one of my notebooks…

I was developing a plan, a plan that would allow me to make back all my losses and finally succeed at this video production business thing. And, most of all, I just wanted to make my family proud.

I Created The Blueprint That Would Change My Life!

The name I gave to the scribbles in my notebook that day was “The Video Business Blueprint”.

You see, most decent videographers can be creative and showcase technical skill. Or take a dynamic approach to an old topic and make it bold and fresh.

A good videographer can do either or both. And I can teach you to do the same.

But the best videographers inhabit the overlap between art and science, understanding that for all their differences, artists and scientists share something truly important: a process.

The best videographers aren't just able to do something, they know how they did it, and how to do it again. How to get back there, into the flow state. How to recreate it all. At will.

Because they have a process. One that works for them, allowing them to produce their best work in the greatest way and with the least struggle.

Oh, don't get me wrong: there's always struggle. Always. This is never easy. But it can be made less difficult.

Developing a process is how you make it both easier and simpler, all in the way that works best for you.

That's the key. Because without a process, it's all just theory and skill: execution is erratic, production is unpredictable, and creation is haphazard.

With a process? Everything changes.

You see, what I discovered was what was missing in my video company (and what’s missing in MOST video companies) is a process. A process to take YOU from A to B in your video business.

And using these same principles, you can take the client on a journey, showing them how to go from A to B with a video project. How to get real client results. The right way.
In those heady early days of the Blueprint, I drafted something that sums up the roadmap I envisioned for myself back then.

Since then, I immortalized it as a more developed graphic which you can see below:
I have extreme confidence in my blueprint for this very reason. It’s allowed me to do many things, but let me tell you what happened after that fateful morning:
  • I earned $2,545* by the end of the month.
  • Within 2 months I had earned $6,200.
  • By December I had netted exactly $14,352 (don't ask about the 2!)
  • ​And, best of all, I had a consistent flow of new clients each and every month.
(*Note: I work in British pounds, but I've converted to US dollars for my largely American audience.)

And my business has only gone from strength to strength from there.

At this point I’ve done projects for a variety of different clients ranging from small business owners to large sized corporations (including Fortune 500 companies).

Nowadays, I make a comfortable 6 figures with my video companies.

The amount of options you have for work is huge, but you gotta know how to get it.

And I’m going to show YOU how to 'get it.'

You see, here’s the thing…

Starting A Video Production Company Isn’t Hard…

But knowing the right way to do it, is.

Today, tens of thousands of people think they can shoot something on their phone or drone… not realizing that shooting video is actually an art – not something you can learn from ‘Instagram.’

I’m going to assume you already know how to shoot good video…

And if that’s the case, then great: that’s all you need to know to launch your own video production business – I’ll show you the rest.

After all, the hard part in all this is actually getting clients and scaling your business in order to land those big fish clients you crave.

And, hey, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of people running around in your local area trying to get small businesses to buy their video services.

If that’s not bad enough, a lot of these people are recent college grads approaching these companies and trying to film projects with entry-level DSLRs or (worse) their phones!

And they’ll do it for a tiny fraction of the money the rest of the industry is charging!

Not good.

I get it: trying to sell clients on video is tricky these days. It's tough out there.

But it doesn't have to be.

Now, before we get into specifics, I want you to think about something...

What Would It Mean To YOU If You Could Make A Full-Time Income From Shooting Video?

Imagine if – each and every day – you could wake up and do what you absolutely love

While getting paid for it (and making more than you’ve ever made at any day job in the past…)

Imagine if you could easily and quickly start earning enough money to support you and your loved ones… again, doing something you’re incredibly passionate about

And, imagine if you could take your passion… your side hobby… and turn it into a profitable business with no income ceiling.


What if you were able to start your production company KNOWING you’ll be able to deliver outstanding results for your clients.

Imagine if you could find a solid amount of (regular) clients… while staying creative, and being able to ‘pick and choose’ the projects you want to work on…

And, imagine if you were able to do all of this WITHOUT the fear of failure. Knowing that your company is going to pay the bills – and then some.

Does that sound good?

Well, it isn’t a dream.

You see, recent research by Freelancers Union revealed that 40% of the US workforce freelanced (or worked their own business) in 2018. And they collectively earned more than $1 trillion.

And researchers predict that there are going to be 3.8 million independent contractors by 2020 making more than $100,000 per year.

Want to be among those who run their own video business and generate upwards of $100,000 per year doing something they care about?

Well, I’d like to introduce you to a special online program I’ve put together that’s going to help you do just that.

It’s called...

Video Business Blueprint

Video Business Blueprint is a comprehensive course that takes you by the hand and shows you exactly how to build a successful (and profitable) video production company.

Inside the special member’s area, you’ll get unlimited access to a huge range of videos, tutorials & frameworks that take you from novice to true professional.

The course features 25+ hours of video, offering a step-by-step system that shows you how to get clients and grow a video production company from the ground up.

I've also ensured that every learning style is covered – video, as well as the course slides, worksheets and infographic Frameworks in downloadable PDF.

Yes, it's truly a 'paint-by-numbers' approach to learning this business!

I’ve been through every course and book in this area and it’s the only course of its kind to give a visualized framework for creating a roadmapped solution to client problems (those you're working with on corporate video projects).

When you go through the course, you not only learn the nuts & bolts of actually setting up your business, you also learn how to properly work with clients and give them immense success through their video projects – something that no one else is teaching.

Video Business Blueprint takes you by the hand from the very early stages of the strategy of starting & growing a profitable video business, right the way through to the more advanced tips & tricks.

Because I know what starting a video business feels like. It probably feels like you’ve just opened up a 10,000 piece puzzle with a picture of baked beans on the front. Everything seems a bit all over the place.

And this is where the Video Business Blueprint course really thrives: it helps you put those pieces together.

Work your way through the modules at your own pace, and before you know it, you’ll be running your very own video production company… with clients lining up outside your door to use your services.

Spread across ten modules, Video Business Blueprint gives you everything you need to become a successful video production company owner.

And, right now, I’m going to give you a ‘sneak peak’ of what’s inside.

Introducing Video Business Blueprint

The Fastest Way To Start & Grow Your Video Production Company:

Video Business Blueprint

  • Module 1 - Foundation: Breaking Through
  • Module 2 - Market Recon
  • Module 3 - Power Positioning
  • ​Module 4 - Surefire Sales System
  • ​Module 5 - The 3 Ps of Working With Clients
  • ​Module 6 - Project Powerhouse
  • ​Module 7 - Finishing Formula
  • ​Module 8 - Running Your Business
  • ​Module 9 - Referral Machine
  • ​Module 10 - The Next Level
Remember earlier when I told you about the Process I figured out when putting my Blueprint together?

Well, here's the streamlined, easy-to-follow Process the Video Business Blueprint has become:


Foundation gives you an introduction to the Video Business Blueprint course, and shows you how to get the most out of the program. In this introductory module, you’ll discover…

- The Tools And Equipment ANY Successful Video Company Owner Needs

- 5 Things You MUST HAVE Before Starting Your video production company…. (and the things you absolutely DO NOT need…)

- How To MINIMIZE Learning Time And Start Attracting Paying Clients As Soon As Possible...


In Module 2, you’ll discover the entire Video Business Blueprint Process.

This is the exact same formula I’ve used to attract high-paying clients… and by the end of this module, you’ll know exactly what your *goals* and targets should be.

I’ll also reveal how to take these goals and make them a reality. Some of what you’ll learn includes…

- The EASY Way To Create A ‘Bulletproof Business Plan’...

- How To Develop The Perfect Customer Avatar (without spending days or weeks doing market research…)

- How a little-known ‘Airtight Solution’ lets you start building your video production company knowing that you're crystal clear on exactly what you're offering clients

- And much, MUCH more.


It’s no secret that positioning is important in business…

If you want to be a top video production company – and actually have high-paying clients regularly approaching you… then it’s crucial you know HOW to position yourself.

That’s why Module 3 - Power Positioning - reveals…

- How To Build A KILLER Portfolioeven if you’re just starting out, or don’t have any previous clients

- 3 Powerful Client Getting Techniques. (And you don't need a crazy marketing budget – use these strategies and you’ll be attracting paying clients from month one…)

- How To Stand Out From The CROWD… without coming across as too sales-y or pushy…

- And much, much more.


It shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that you are going to need to have a solid sales system in place to attract (and convert) clients…

And that’s exactly what Module 4: Surefire Sales System is going to teach you. Inside, you’ll discover…

- Why you must have – in place – a suitable follow-up system… and how to make sure you’re not missing out on work by responding at the wrong time

- How to EFFORTLESSLY write compelling proposals that make prospects desperate to work with you

- A simple, non-sales-y way to identify your key selling points… and the RIGHT way to sell yourself, and your work...


Inside Module 4, we’ll cover the main fundamentals of actually working with clients - from start to finish. Inside, you’ll discover…

- A clever (and rarely used) system to deal with clients. HINT: It includes Passion, Politeness and Perseverance…

- An easy way to deal with difficult clients (without confrontation, and without escalating tense situations…)

- The Little-Known Business Tasks You Should Be Doing When You’re Not Shooting… (and what you SHOULDN’T be doing…)

- And much, MUCH more.


One of the biggest problems faced by new videographers is planning out their workflow.

If you want to have a viable video production business – and you want to be able to adhere to schedules and keep clients happy – it’s vital you manage your projects effectively.

That’s why Module 5 – Project Powerhouse – shows you how. Inside, you’ll discover…

- How to plan your workflow from start to finish… using a powerful visuzalition process…

- The Anatomy of a Corporate and Commercial Shoot

- How to shoot even the most complex of situations like tricky event work...


In the sixth module – Finishing Formula – we look at what you need to actually send your client.

You’ll discover…

- A Unique ‘Deliverables Framework’ that makes sure you send your clients exactly what they need – every single time…

- The BEST way to ‘Sign Off’ on the work… without second-guessing yourself or worrying you’ve forgotten anything…

- An easy (and non-intrusive) way of making sure your clients are happy with your work… and what to do if they’re not

- And much, MUCH more.


In the seventh module – Running Your Business – we’ll look at the specifics of actually running your business, from incorporating your company to submitting tax returns. You’ll discover…

- How to incorporate your companywithout spending an arm and a leg…

- How to find an accountant that’s affordable… while maximizing your deductibles

- The ONE SECRET to staying on top of your finances. HINT: I’ll show you a powerful financial spreadsheet that keeps everything in line…

- The easiest way to start outsourcing those smaller tasks you just don’t have time for anymore. (I’ll show you how to find the best freelancers, and how to go about hiring them…)

- And much, MUCH more.


In Module 8 – Referral Machine – you’ll discover how to grow your business exponentially using referrals. You’ll learn…

- WHY Referrals Are So Important… (and how to use them to your maximum advantage…)

- The easy, non-awkward way of actually asking for referrals…

- How to scale your referral process to maximize the number of new clients you take on…

- And much, MUCH more.


In the final module, The Next Level, you’ll discover simple (yet powerful) strategies to grow your business. You’ll discover…

- The “Path”. Go from no-business to freelancer to true business owner

- How to use a 10/10/10 list to grow your business exponentially

- How to use your video production skills to make a difference in your local community. (It feels great to give back – and with just a bit of work, you can make a BIG difference…)
That’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll find inside Video Business Blueprint.

And truth be told, that’s not everything, either. Because, as a Video Business Blueprint member, you’ll also have exclusive contact with myself…

So you can ask questions, get help - and receive personalized, tailored support.

The Video Business Blueprint program allows you to shoot, produce and sell like a pro.

No matter WHAT your current experience level, by the end of this program you’ll know exactly how to build your video production company.

Whether it’s polishing your skills or finding clients, the course shows you EXACTLY what to do – and when…

And it’s designed to be worked through at your own pace.

By the end of it, you’ll know more about video production than most of your competitors – combined!
Don't Just Take MY Word For It...
See What Others Have Said About Their Experience With The Course!
"Matt, you're a legend! As you know I run a small-ish video company in London. There are only 4 of us in the team and we're trying to compete with the big boys. Your course has been a breath of fresh air! So pleased with this opportunity to be among the early first members. What you're offering here for us is the absolute cutting edge business advice and systems for running video companies. My eternal thanks, man!"
Filmmaker, London, UK
"I loved how you broke down everything into small parts and then explained the pieces of the puzzle as we went along. It's good to know that everything in video business is connected.

So favorite parts of the course were th pricing sections, the bit of workflow, and also on writing proposals to secure jobs. That blew my mind!"
Videographer, Kansas City, USA
Just some of the resources you’ll find in my video business blueprint are…
  • How to have clients knocking down your door for your services!(never again have anxiety over where your next check is going to arrive from)
  • ​Avoid wasting time and money buying equipment you don’t need! (Focus your resources on what matters instead)
  • ​Identity exactly what you want to make and the types of clients who need exactly that!
  • ​Glide effortlessly through negotiating prices and contracts with clients. (While making more money and having happier clients as a result!)
  • ​Ingrain these 16 mind-sets into your mind and reap huge rewards as a result. (While others who lack them are doomed to failure)
  • ​Craft your Ideal Client Avatar and the special thing you as a filmmaker offer them! (If you try to please everyone you will never get anywhere!)
  • ​Crack and use the Client Getting code to bring in fresh clients and build your reputation!(Without reputation you are nothing, even if you’re the best filmmaker in the world!)
  • ​Learn to close the sale all the way from first contact to asking your prospect to sign on the dotted line.
  • ​How to set goals and follow-through on achieving success and freedom with your business.
  • ​How to avoid nightmare clients. (Get everything in writing down as soon as possible and enjoy less anxiety, stress and more time!)
Every single grain of knowledge that is packed into my video course has been paid and fought for tooth and nail by my experience.

It is there for your benefit. So that you may avoid the early pitfalls, dodge easy but common mistakes and get off to a head-start on the many other people who are trying to start video businesses like yourself.

And the best part is…

You don’t have to give an 'arm and a leg' to own it...

Want To Start and Grow Your Own Successful Video Production Company?

Then all you need to do is click the button below.

You’ll then be taken to a secure checkout page, and once your purchase is complete, you’ll get instant access to the entire Video Business Blueprint program.

And if you’re wondering how much I’m charging for this…

You may be surprised to learn it’s just $497.

Yes, that’s right…

For just $497, you can get instant access to the entire Video Business Blueprint program.

All ten modules are yours, for that low cost…

And as soon as your purchase is complete, you’ll be able to access all your materials right away.

Some Say the Value of This Course Is
Priceless — so What’s Fair?

Originally I was thinking of charging $700 for this online course and all the bonuses.

That price was (and still is)…a STEAL.

No one has this information, anywhere. It has taken me over EIGHT years to put this course together, and over a DECADE of my experience can instantly be accessed.

Let’s be real for a second

Simply put, what other video business course out there can you trust to actually deliver and provide results?

So how does this compare to other guides/courses on the market?

If you were to even try and find the information and implementation tools in my course elsewhere, you’d need to spend OVER $5,000 to purchase multiple courses.

And it would take you YEARS to bring it all together, filter out the good from the bad, and actually go through the information and figure out what to do with it.

And the investment isn't just a fraction of the time I spent learning's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the cost.

I want you to discover what it’s like to start (and run) your very own video production company as quickly as possible…

And I want you to be able to do that without going through the pains and stresses I did when starting out.

However, it’s very likely this price will increase soon.

So… if you want to discover the secrets of starting your own successful video production company, then don’t miss out. Click the button below for instant access.
And thats not all...I'm also offering BONUSES!

Yes, that’s right. Not only do you get the tactic packed video business how-to guide that is Video Business Blueprint, I’m also offering these awesome bonuses.

If you place your order now, I’m also going to give you four bonus gifts – at no additional charge.

Here’s what you’ll get…

Bonus #1: Being Productive In Your Video Business ($197 Value)

Video Business Blueprint shows you exactly how to launch and grow a successful video production company…

And, by the end of the course, you’ll be attracting real clients… who will LOVE your work!

However, it’s also vital that you keep on top of your responsibilities as an entrepreneur…

And that’s why I’d like to gift you this free bonus – Being Productive in Your Video Business.

Inside, you’ll discover how to streamline your business using tools like Trello and Asana.

I’ll also show you why time is your most valuable asset - and how to make sure you’re guarding yours - putting your time and effort into where it matters most.

I’ll also share some general tips and tricks that I’ve found personally, massively helped me grow my own video production business.

Usually retailing for $197, today, along with your order of Video Business Blueprint I’m gifting you a copy free of charge.

Bonus #2: Mindsets For Success ($197 Value)

So, you know how to create award-winning video your clients will love

You know the best ways to attract clients (and make sure they keep coming back to you…)

And you know the ins and outs of actually running a video production company.

But is your MINDSET in the right place?

Well, to make sure it is, I’m going to gift you another bonus – called Mindsets for Success.

Inside, you’ll discover the importance of mindset… and how, by getting into one of 9 core mindsets, you can maximize your success – and see this success in minimal time.

Usually retailing for $197, today, your copy of Mindsets For Success is free along with your purchase of Video Business Blueprint.

BONUS #3: The Ultimate Video Business Template Set! ($1097 Value)

Based on my extensive research one of the biggest issues people have when setting up their video businesses is not knowing what to use when. I’m often asked, “Do you have a contract template?”

Well, now you can say, “I have a template for that!”

I’m giving you the mother load of video business templates to give you that helping hand you need and make sure you’re never in a situation where you don’t know what document to use.

To help you kickstart your video production company, I’m going to be gifting you access to my best forms, templates and samples.

Inside this one-of-a-kind bonus, you’ll receive:

Sample Contract Template - so that you know how to structure a project. ($297 Value)

Video Project Proposal Template - so that you have a foot in the door for winning jobs. ($297 Value)

Terms of Service Template - all the legal mumbo jumbo you need to protect yourself. ($197 Value)

Cold Email Templates - get clients with my templates that are proven to work. ($147 Value)

Client Questions Template - these are the questions you need to ask clients to learn what they want from their video project. ($147 Value)
  • Sample Video Production Contract
  • ​Sample Video Project Proposal Template
  • ​Terms of Service Template
  • ​Resource Guide of Apps/Sites
  • ​Cold Email Templates
  • ​Client Discovery Document
  • ​And even more.
This is the motherlode. And some say it’s worth the price of admission all on its own!

BONUS #4: My Private Vault of Video Business Spreadsheets! ($597 Value)

Knowing your numbers is hugely important. Knowing your numbers helps you know where you are in your video business and will help you streamline the growth of your video production company.

I'm opening my private vault of spreadsheets and offering these as part of the Bonuses for the course. These are easy to use and will help you grow your video business.

Here's what I have for you:
  • Website Tracking Spreadsheet
  • Financial Tracking Spreadsheet
  • ​Project Tracking Spreadsheet

BONUS #5: VIP Facebook Group Access! (Priceless!)

To make sure you’re getting all the help and support you need, I’m also going to give you VIP access to my private Facebook Group.

Inside, you’ll be able to ask questions, connect with other like minded filmmakers and get personalized advice on your situation.
I know you’re going to be amazed with the results you see…

And you know what?

I’m so confident you’ll be blown-away by what you’ll learn inside Video Business Blueprint...

That, today, alongside your investment , I’m also going to give you my unconditional...

30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

You can, using these strategies and techniques, grow your video production business faster than you ever thought possible.

Others have done exactly that. I’ve helped them. And it doesn’t matter how “novice” you are right now...

Or whether you’ve sold your services in the past or not..

Because once you’ve finished going through Video Business Blueprint, you’ll know exactly how to launch – and grow – your own video production business.

Now, I’m so confident that what you’re going to learn is going to change your life - and allow you to start picking up real, paying clients - that I’m willing to ‘put my money where my mouth is’ and prove it to you.

Join Video Business Blueprint today… work your way through the program… and apply the strategies and techniques I share inside…

And if you don’t find that you’re able to pick up paying clients…

If you don’t find yourself refining your workflow… creating results your clients LOVE…

Or if, for any reason you don’t love the course…

Then simply let me know within 30 days and I’ll refund every cent you paid.

I’ll even let you keep the program as a gesture of goodwill.

But that’s your choice.

Email support ([email protected]) any time within 30 days, show you did the work, and I'll send you a refund.

If that sounds good… and if you’re ready to discover how to launch your very own video production business…

Then here’s what you need to do next:

Click the button below to get instant access to Video Business Blueprint.

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get
When You Get Video Business Blueprint Today!

  • 10 Modules with 25+ Hours On Starting & Growing Your Video Business ($1,997 Value)
  • ​Worksheets, Frameworks + Checklists That Make Growing Your Business Paint-By-Numbers ($995 Value)
  • ​Being Productive In Your Video Business Bonus Module ($797 Value)
  • ​Mindsets For Success Bonus Module ($797 Value)
  • ​​The Ultimate Video Business Template Set ($1,865 Value)
  • ​My Private Vault Of Video Business Spreadsheets ($894 Value)
  • ​VIP Facebook Group Access (Priceless!)

Total Value: $7,817

You Get It ALL Today For:

$1997 $497!

(That’s over 86% OFF!)

You’ll get a confirmation email as soon as your purchase is complete, with details of how to access the course…

And then, it’s just a case of getting started.

Want more proof? I have a lot of that...

(And more reviews coming in all the time...)

Video Business Blueprint Answers Every Question That A Video Professional Might Have...

Here Are Just A Few...

  • "How Do I Stand Out and Not Look Like All the Other Thousands of Videographers Offering a Similar Service?"
  • "How Do I Find the Right Clients That I Actually Want to Work With?"
  • "What Do I Need to Do to Prevent 'tire-kickers' & Time Wasters?"
  • ​"How Do I Get Clients to Pay On Time?"
  • ​"How Do I Stop Clients From Knocking Me Down On Price?"
  • ​"How Do I Get a Client to Understand the True Costs of Video?"
  • ​"How Do I Maximize My Video Production Workflow & Get More Done?"
  • ​"What Methods Can I Use to Communicate With Clients More Effectively?"
  • ​"How Do I Say "No" To a Client?"
  • ​"How Do I Cut Down On Hours of Editing Time So That I Have More Time to Find New Work?"
  • ​"What Are The Best Ways to Build a Video Production Team?"
  • ​"How Can I Scale My Business Now That I'm Getting Clients?"
  • ​"How Do I Achieve Financial Freedom?"
  • ​"What Is This Cashflow Thing, And Why Is It So Important For My Video Business?"
  • ​"How Can I Stop Chasing Local Clients Who Don't Want to Pay My Prices & Start Expanding Further To Find The Right Clients?"
  • ​"What Are The Best Methods to Put the Business on Autopilot and Then Move Towards Scaling and Opening Global Offices?"
  • ​"How Can I Create a Rock Solid Portfolio Of My Work To Set My Video Company Apart From All The Others?"
  • ​"How Exactly Do I Create An Eye Catching And Captivating Website For My Video Business That Will Grab Attention From The Get Go?"
  • ​"How Do I Find The Best Team Members And Collaborate On Awesome Projects?"
  • ​"How Do I Find The Confidence To Approach The Clients & Companies I Want to Work With?"
  • ​"How Exactly Do I Register My Video Business As a Legal Entity, And (More To The Point) Do You Even Really Need To Register Your Company And Go Legit?"
  • ​"How Do I Get Out Of The Trap Of Doing Work For Free Or 'On Spec?'"
  • ​"I'm a Great Creative But A Terrible Business Person? How Do I Get Better At 'Selling' And Business?"
  • ​"I honestly Just Don't Know Where To Start! How Do I Start!?"
  • ​"What If I Don't Have Enough Time To Start a Business Along With My Day Job? What If I Don't Make Enough To Support My Family?"
  • ​"I've Been working $2-4K jobs for a while now. How Do I Go About Progressing To The Next Level With Bigger Clients, Bigger Budgets, More Value?"
  • ​"I'm Tired Of Selling My Time For Money And Not Having Any Time For My Passion Projects? How Do I get Out Of This Vicious Cycle?"
  • ​"How Do I Get Out Of The 'Do This For The Exposure' Trap?"
  • ​"Are My Prices At Good Rate, Or Am I Leaving Money On The Table?"
  • ​"How Do I Avoid Bending Over Backwards For Every Client's Crazy Request?"
  • ​"Should My Video Company business Sound Like a Bigger Corporate, Or Is It Fine To Sound More Personal?"

…. and that’s only highlights from a few of the Modules – this course is chock full of hundreds more “golden nuggets” like this in its gem filled 25+ hours of video instruction!

25+ Hours of Video Tutorials

You'll get instant access to over 25+ hours of content. These videos cover our complete system for going from "no idea" to successful video business.

Copy / Paste Templates & Sample Documents

Get access to complete contracts, client proposal templates, sample forms (and more) that you can download and use as many times as needed.

Frameworks + Step-By-Step Worksheets

Fill in the blank worksheets and infographic Frameworks will help you form and visual your video business from the ground up.

Multiple Learning Styles (Video + Audio + Text)

Learn in the best way for you – video, audio, as well as text. I've even made the course clides available as a downloadable resource that you can follow along with.

Community Of Videographers & Filmmakers

When you join today you will get access to a private Facebook Group, where you can ask questions, mix with your filmmaker peers and more.

Stream On Any Device

The Video Business Blueprint video library is fully optimized for mobile viewing. We use the cutting edge in online course delivery systems. Stream lessons on any device, anytime, anywhere.

This Isn’t For Everyone

While Video Business Blueprint does allow ANYONE to start their own successful video production company, it’s not for you if you’re not willing to put the time and effort in.

If you’re not willing to go through the course – module by module – and actually apply what you learn to your business…

And if you’re not going to take action…

Then seriously – click off this page. I don’t want your business.

This course is exclusively for people who ARE ready to take the leap to achieving true financial freedom (doing something they love…)

And you will need to work hard to start your business.

Sound good?

Then I’m pleased to welcome you onboard.

Go through the course…work through the training at your own pace…

And once you’re done, you’ve got two choices.

Choice #1: You’ll use the strategies and executable plans inside, to start your video production business. You’ll be attracting clients, creating high-quality video and earning more money than you ever thought you could from your camera…


Choice #2: You’ll go through the course, but fail to take action. Maybe you’ll tell yourself you'll start another day... whatever the excuse, you won’t action the strategies. That’s your choice…

But I know what I’d do...

And I will say this:

Video Business Blueprint contains everything you need to launch your own successful video production company.

You can, with this program, start earning a full-time income with your camera…

And if you’d like to try it out for yourself, then all you need to do is click below to get started.

Can I get a FAQ with that?

Frequently Asked Questions

The decision is now

Don't Waste Any More Of Your Time...Act Now

Clients are the lifeblood of any business.

And yet, when it comes to finding clients, most video business owners play it safe.

They say they want to make more money and grow their business, but they just keep doing the same thing day in and day out, attracting low-quality clients. Or not clients at all!

That's insanity!

Or they read listicle after listicle of "39 Facebook marketing tips" and "Top 10 client getting hacks" — all written by people who've never run successful businesses and couldn't tell you the ROI of their efforts.

And a brave few business owners try a course ("How to advertise on Instagram!") and get frustrated when the material is nonsense.

I know how confusing building a video company can be. That's why I had to test each strategy for myself, one by one and at great expense, to find what really works to attract clients to your business.

It may have taken me years and countless frustrations, but that's a bargain next to doing nothing at all. Or spending years spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.

Your time is the one thing you can't get back. That's why "figuring it out" on your own is such a terrible waste.

I would have fought tooth-and-nail to get a comprehensive system like Video Business Blueprint. And I did! This system didn't exist so I fought to create it myself.

But you, you have a choice.

For a tiny fraction of what it cost me to master these strategies and tactics — and just a few hours a week — you can open a flood of clients to your business. All of it protected with a money-back guarantee.

I'm telling you this because sometimes you need that little nudge from someone who's been there. Someone who believes you can do it.

And I consider it my personal mission to counter some of the misleading material out there so you can follow real strategies that work. The more high-quality businesses out there, the better it is for our clients, our peers, and our entire industry.

Years from now, I want you to look back at this moment — this moment, right now, where you made the decision to grow your business.

I know you have a lot of options. When I think about investing in something new, I have couple of principles that guide me. I think they might help you too:


Most people who start a video business (which is rare) put in a rush of effort to get started and then peter out. They dabble but never really figure out how to bring in a steady stream of eager clients to their business.

It’s "episodic." You can only do that for so long before you run out of energy, money or both. There’s no system, no plan for consistent, repeatable growth.

I say GOOD! The people who work hard and work smart — who focus on what's really important for their business — will reap the rewards.


Years ago, when I decided to change from being a skinny guy to gaining some muscle, my first step was to bet my friend that I could gain a 10 pounds. It was a fun way of dipping my toes in the water.

Even for things I wasn’t sure about — like surfing — I signed up for a class. Hey, turns out I don’t really love it…but at least I learned from the best. Now I know.

Most importantly, once I got serious about something (like fitness), I invested in myself by hiring a personal trainer and starting to learn from the best.

If I'm going to do something, I'm already spending time on it — why not give myself every advantage? Why not play to win?

I believe you could have an amazing video business. In fact, I can show you how.

Don't waste your ambition! Don't waste your time or your life.

If you really want a video business that can make an impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones, it's time to make a decision.

The decision is yours.

Video Business Blueprint will close soon. When we close our courses, they often don’t re-open for months and months. So if you want to start & grow your video business, it’s time to make a decision.

I've already done the hard work and tested all of the strategies and tactics out there.

I combined and refined the best into a streamlined, ready-to-use system you can apply to your video company today.

I protected you with a 30-day, money-back guarantee to make your decision completely risk-free.

All you have to do is believe you're worth it.

A year from now, you'll be a year older. What are you going to do?

I really look forward to working with you and watching your video business grow from its current position to being a formidable top-tier player.

All you have to do is follow the system I've laid out, which has been proven by my clients time and time again.

The choice is yours. Do you truly want this? And when?


Matt Jacobs

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering my awesome Video Business Blueprint online course for a special price of $497. When the offer ends, the price will go up (and it'll stay that way!)

YES! I Want Instant Access To Video Business Blueprint NOW!!!

  • 10 Modules with 25+ Hours On Starting & Growing Your Video Business ($1,997 Value)
  • ​Worksheets, Frameworks + Checklists That Make Growing Your Business Paint-By-Numbers ($995 Value)
  • ​Being Productive In Your Video Business Bonus Module ($797 Value)
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